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I'm Caroline — life coach for busy women on a mission.


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3 Amazingly Simple Things Make Your 2020 To Do List Better


January 21, 2020

Our exclusive program: Cull, Curate & Collaborate launching soon. Getting more done, letting go and finding more time for what matters.

Amid all the resolutions and excitement of a new year rolling in, is your goal and to do list longer than you’d like? How can you clear the clutter and focus in 2020 on what really matters? We have created tips and a printable to help you launch into January in a way that feels good, while getting things done. Read on to learn more about our system and download the free printable.

  1. CULL.
  2. CURATE.

As a photographer & planner for most of my career, making clear-cut, concise, effective decisions on what matters most, what tells the story and what will convey the best plan, has been my focus. Pardon the pun; it’s true! And, it works. So, let’s break it down.

Cull. What does “cull” even mean? Simply to select from a large quantity. Pair down your list. Yes, I said it. Cut it down. Don’t freak out; cut it down today, at this moment. We’re going to get it done. Cut it down to 3 things. We will address the rest in time. Start with 3.

Curate. You’ve been in a museum or a gallery right? They create a collection that showcases the key works. We’re going to approach our list in the same way. By starting with the things that matter most, will show and yield the most results, you accomplish more and see a solid result. This is a process you can repeat and swap out what you’ve curated but by keeping your selection narrow and making it count, you can see, take action and feel progress happening. The strides you make will fuel the rest of your progress.

Collaborate. There I said it. Co-llaborate meaning you AND someone else. You can get it done but you can also outsource things, hire someone, delegate, get help from staff, an intern, or bring in reinforcements. Sometimes the most effective way of getting things done is letting go. Cue the Disney music. No but really, it’s true! You can also subscribe to a tribe and get ideas and inspiration to get your list done with help and support. Of your list of 3 things, what do you need help with today, this week? What is your next step for letting go? Can you connect with the help today, get the number or email and put it on the calendar to get done?

As you begin this process, it’s a process that works amazingly well in phases. You will complete one and then on to the next. And then again, there you go. The more you do it; the more it becomes a part of your process without even contemplating it.

Sign up on our email list to get a free link to a printable template to get you started with the Cull, Curate and Collaborate plan. We will share 10 great areas where, Cull, Curate & Collaborate will make strides in your to do, to get it to done. Create space to get it done so you can enjoy more of what matters.

Join the list and get the printable!

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business: Image
& Branding


Wellness & Wonder

mindset work


Reading suggestions

Design Your Ideal Work-From-Home Day

Stay Grounded & Create Daily Calm

The Journal Prompt I use EVERY MORNING

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I'm Caroline — life coach for busy women on a mission.


HOME &Sacred spaces

Life HAcks